Tokyo xanadu sequel
Tokyo xanadu sequel

tokyo xanadu sequel

He could see why girls liked doing it, things just slowed down to a blissful and relaxing crawl as the brush went up and down the nail. Sure it was something he definitely didn't want anyone knowing about, but there was something kinda soothing about the experience. As he started to get into the rhythm of it, he found himself starting to enjoy it a bit. Kou kept trying though, again and again he placed that glistening pink coat over his boyish nails, slowly doing better. As he expected he didn't do that great a job at first, it was all clumsy and clumped. He was still filled with some doubt even as he dipped the brush into the nail polish before pulling it out to coat his nails. Kou sat down at his desk and got everything ready. "If Asuka were here she would probably lecture me about how far my commitment to the club really goes. It was such a ridiculous thought, he couldn't believe he was even conceive it, let alone consider it. What if he used them to practice painting nails? Then he would be prepared for the game.

tokyo xanadu sequel

"Did Shiori leave this behind when she was tidying my room?" He picked them up, intending to head next doors to give it back to Shiori when suddenly a strange thought occurred to him. "How am I supposed to get past that minigame when I don't know the first thing about doing my nails? I can't even tell what I am doing wrong." Kou thought as he entered his room, it was then that he noticed a bottle of pink nailpolish along with some other nailcare products on his desk. "Well it seems I am not going to get any farther today." He muttered dejectedly before leaving the casino to head back home. The shock of it brought back Kou's awareness, it felt like he had just woken up from a dream, he could hardly even remember much of his playing session. He gave it two more tries but didn't fare any better before the game had enough and booted him back to the start. He didn't know anything about painting nails or manicures but he tried his best, Kou thought it looked fine but the game gave it a terribly failing grade. Before he could though, he was faced with a minigame, one where he had to help Magical Girl Alisa paint her nails. Finally he beat the boss of the first level and completed it, it was time to move onto the next.

tokyo xanadu sequel

The onslaught of sugary girlyness was all his mind could take in right now, and everything else just blanked at as he went through life after life. Kou's embarrassment over playing such a girly game was starting to fade as he focused heavily on the game. He knew he couldn't give up though, he probably had to beat the game if he wanted to get to the cause of all this, so he would take as many tries as he needed. Kou kept pushing through the game, though the constant pink flashes, ultra sweet visuals, and hyper upbeat peppy music was making his head feel strange, especially the longer he played. "Well it seems I am going to be here a while at this rate." It wasn't long before he lost his first life and had to put more medals in to continue. Kou was shocked to find that despite the fact it seemed like it was designed for little girls, it was surprisingly difficult. Magical Girl Alisa wasn't helping with that at all either, she skipped as girlishly as possible instead of running and fought with blasts of hearts, lipstick, rainbows and other ludicrously feminine things. He was almost blinded by the sheer amount of pink on screen, everything was just so girly and cutesy and sparkling, even the enemies. whoever is responsible for this really gave it some title." Kou let out a sigh before clicking start, the game revealing itself to be a 2d platformer. "Ultimate Love and Justice, Magical Girl Alisa mode. He put in the medal and started up the game, everything looked pretty normal at first before the menu screen suddenly shifted. "This isn't something I want to report to the others about doing, I bet Rion would never let it down if she saw this." Kou almost wished he had agreed to one of his many part time jobs today so he would have an excuse to get out of it. When he entered the arcade though and stood in front of the girly pink machine, he was beginning to have second doubts. He had seen recently machines malfunctioning due to the Eclipse, including a Magical Girl Alisa alarm clock, so as the President of the XRC it was his duty to investigate it. Normally it was just a whack a mole game, but now it had a new mode entirely to play. Kou had heard something strange going on at Arcade Oasis, one of the cabinets for the Magical Girl Alisa game was behaving strangely. A Magical Game(Tokyo Xanadu:TG/Semitwinning)

Tokyo xanadu sequel