German soldier with dog gas mask
German soldier with dog gas mask

german soldier with dog gas mask

If a soldier was unconscious or unable to move, the dog would run back to it's handler carrying a cap, glove, or torn scrap of clothing as evidence that the soldier was in need of aid. They had one of the most dangerous tasks of finding and assisting wounded men in "no-man's land". These supplies were contained in saddle bags worn by the dogs. These dogs carried medical supplies to the men, so that they could treat themselves if they were able. Red Cross Dogs: Also known as "mercy dogs" wore Red Cross collars or coats.

german soldier with dog gas mask

Dogs were also issued with gas masks for protection. When alerted to gas, the troops could put on their gas masks. When the Germans introduced gas warfare, dogs were trained to detect it. They often prevented the enemy from getting close enough to throw grenades. These dogs also guarded railways, munitions and supplies, barracks, trenches and prisoners of war. This gave soldiers the much needed time to get ready for their enemy. Rather than bark loudly like a domestic dog would, they growled quietly or stood to attention. With keen senses of sight, hearing and smell, they were trained to raise alerts quietly. Guard Dogs: Also known as sentries, scouts and watchdogs, they would sit alongside a soldier who was on guard, and would alert him when trouble was near. The main breeds that served were Border Collies, Boston Terrier, Dobermann Pinscher, German Shepherd and Mixed-Breed Terriers. Not all those who served walked on two legs, many dogs on both sides carried out crucial, vital and life saving roles. The First World War ended 102 years ago on this day.

German soldier with dog gas mask